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Bi-doped germanosilicate Ftth Box accommodate accession in the 1700 nm

Alternatively, Bi-doped germanosilicate Ftth Box accommodate accession in the 1700 nm bandage and the assay aggregation has developed a 1700 nm optical amplifier by developing appropriate Bi-doped optical cilia with top germania content. To admission the best accretion profile, several optical fibers with assorted Bi-doped bulk concentrations were bogus appliance the adapted actinic breath degradation (MCVD) method.

The Bi-doped cilia amplifier (BDFA) has 125-μm cladding, 2-μm-core-diameter Bi-doped fibers of capricious dopant concentration, and is core-pumped bidirectionally by two 150 mW, 1550 nm laser diodes (see figure). To admeasurement achievement of the BDFA, a home-built multiple-wavelength ablaze antecedent was complete from a superluminescent Bi-doped cilia antecedent and awful cogitating cilia Bragg gratings (FBGs) to actualize analogously spaced (15 nm apart) ashen curve from 1615 to 1795 nm.

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