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Artificial Intelligence - What can we expect in the future?

Submitted by iamaster2 on Sun, 09/20/2020 - 11:27

Many predictions have been made of what the application of AI techniques would bring in the future; some could be reality in a short time and others seem frankly speculative. Let's take a look:

In the field of personal computers, the speed of a processor will be enormous and we will not be able to exhaust its memory or load entire cycles of Russian cinema, which we will be able to see dubbed into Spanish with a voice identical to that of the actors. They will be governed with the voice: "Activate yourself". Perhaps the monitors are no longer necessary; wireless virtual reality glasses will show us how our text is going. The keyboards will also be as obsolete as now are the cards with dimples; instead of typing, perhaps we can translate words into the memory of the computer just by imagining them, thanks to a discrete plate ( chip ) attached to our forehead. A pleasant voice will tell us in our ear that we have made a syntax error and will provide us, if we wish, with a list of possible solutions. Instead of using the "mouse", we can manipulate the text (or the drawing, or whatever) with the movement of our eyes, which will be detected by a harmless laser beam.

The Internet network, which will arrive at our house through optical wiring, will transport immense amounts of information that will be loaded into our computer in tenths of a second. The images will appear instantly and we will laugh at the time when a page took up to 10 minutes to "download". Through the network we can access any television or radio program that is broadcast anywhere in the world, with an impeccable translation, or save it in the memory of the machine if we want to see it later, as if it were a VCR. But if a friend missed that program, we will send it to your terminal in seconds. Students will have more and more virtual classes in which they will access directly to the information banks of the university and will communicate with their teachers only to solve doubts or exams.

Soon the robots will begin to move the staff that serves us behind the windows. A machine can perfectly change a check and solve satisfactorily the doubts about our statement. The ATM of the cinema will receive our money (or a card) to give us in return tickets for the film at the time that we indicate. And so it will be at airports, railway stations and everywhere where there are now windows hiding employees waiting impatiently for departure time.
It is very likely that the economy will change. They will be in the past the types of suit fighting screaming in the brokerage houses. Computers, connected in a network to stock market indicators around the world, will move capital from one place to another, without the human will being necessary, obeying only aggressive programs that will benefit the owners of the money, regardless of whether a nation sinks into a terrible crisis in some moments.

"Smart" buildings will be common. When we get home, the door will open with the sound of our voice. Sensors arranged in each corner will light the light of the room we enter and leave in the dark the one that has been left alone, saving electricity. The temperature will also be regulated by the central computer to offer a private climate to our liking. Verbalmente we will activate the television, the sound system or any other household appliance connected to our cybernetic housekeeper. In the mornings, the breakfast that we leave in the microwave will begin to prepare; On the radio, the station of our preference will awaken us while the heater adjusts to give us a delicious shower. When leaving, we can be calm because the house will be able to detect possible intruders and, if necessary, the alarm will be activated at the slightest hint of danger, giving notice to the security forces.

If there is a global war, it could be named by the media as " The Robot War ", in which pilots would control virtual reality small and deadly planes, helicopters and tanks hundreds of kilometers from the battlefield without risking a only hair

It is very likely that in a few years, robot surgeons will perform complex interventions using surgical instruments with the precision of a printer.

Someday, the Sojourner , the robot that explored Mars, will be a shoe box compared to those that will reach that planet, not to pose a spectrometer on the stones, but to build the urban centers of the first settlers. The last frontier will be the self-replicating biological robots that will populate in our name other solar systems until they become habitable for our species.

Can the machines think?

It has been able to equip the machines with useful information that they can use in a specialized field, for example to go through a path of obstacles and memorize it or to execute some complex processes, but human thinking is another thing: our brain has approximately 10 billion of neurons and if we still do not know exactly how they interrelate to "think", much less can we reproduce that process in a machine. There are many aspects that differentiate the human brain from the systems developed by artificial intelligence, among them:

• Machines lack intuitive mechanisms and rely only on the automatic trial and error method; therefore, they do not have the capacity to react to unexpected situations or the possibility of generalizing different events.
• The machines lack creativity, so far completely human aspect. In machines there is no creative interrelation, and context changes do not imply a substantial modification between their circuits and programs; the surrounding environment does not structurally modify its functions.
• The human mind is provided with values resulting from social interrelation; in the absence of those, the machines can not evolve or self-perfect.

And the people?

Apparently artificial intelligence promises a fantastic world, but will it really be? What will happen, for example, with the huge number of human beings who have no access to education or technology? What will happen to human relations and the economy, with the huge gap between rich and poor, between development and underdevelopment? We do not know for sure what the future of humanity will be, but we do know that undoubtedly the relations of production and perhaps communication will change. It is highly probable, for example, that the problem of unemployment will be further aggravated; that the concepts of leisure and free time are radically transformed; to change the labor relations between employers and workers; that there is an even greater revolution in terms of access to information and that the differences between countries that make technology and those that are historically dependent are becoming more acute. It is almost certain that artificial intelligence and subsequent technological development will be at the service of a minority. If, on the other hand, technological development - and specifically artificial intelligence - is used to ensure that everyone on this planet achieves a better standard of living in strict relation with the environment, such an artifice will be truly intelligent.

Software that uses IA

IA it’s everywhere. Even when we search on Google, the results are personalized and based on IA analysis. One of the most popular IA is Deep Blue, the first software that was able to defeat the chess champion in 1997. Garry Kasparov was defeated by a machine under tournament conditions. Nowadays, even an average laptop is capable of defeating any chess master with the proper software. Since then we have seen an incredible improving in the IA algorithms, and nowadays there are poker bots, forex trading bots, crypto trading bots and things that we couldn’t even imagine just a few years ago.